The Whole Kit and Caboodle Is… As Sacred As 1,2,3

To be divine or not to be divine? As humanity evolves — pulling itself up by its own flimsy bootstraps — the People’s divinity awakens. It can be no other way. Sinner, Saint or Shaman, Christian, Muslim, Hindu, Jewish, Buddhist, Agnostic, Atheist, Voodoo Economist — Your Destiny is Divinity!

But what does this mean—to be “destined for divinity?” Read and find out!

About The Book

Spirit Divine explains The ALL, the Holy One, in The Whole Kit and Caboodle is As Sacred As 1,2,3. The focus is on the basic mathematical concepts of The One, The Two, and The Three, the Circle and Consciousness and LOVE!

God, or “The One That Is In All Things” CARES profoundly about YOU!

The Co-Creators called “Humans,” MUST recognize their own image in the Image of God. They have been on a remarkable path since time immemorial. This evolutionary path leads to a liberation that has LOVE as the bottom line. The time is at hand! Now is the time of the embodiment of Love!

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Why I wrote the book…

What the Heck are We Doing Here?

Have you ever seriously asked yourself—as I have: “What the heck am I doing here on this planet? And… “How do I fit into the cosmic scheme of things?” And do you consider yourself to be a “True Seeker” that thirsts to drink from a fount of Wisdoms? If so, this book titled, The Whole Kit and Caboodle Is…As Sacred As 1,2,3, is for you!

I’ve been a sincere “True Seeker” my entire adult life beginning with earning a BA in the study of Religion in 1975 from Princeton University. My studies were quite broad including spiritual traditions of both East and West; and psychological, philosophical, anthropological, scientific explorations into the nature of reality and “Being”. Additionally, it was the “Hippie” era when a new generation began to deeply wonder about “the nature of consciousness” and explored it with “mind expanding” drugs.

Several years later, I heard a profound call from Nature. I went “back to the land”—with my Beloved Honey and we lived six years in an old stone root cellar without electricity or running water. Mother Nature was my finest teachers there, and she continues with that tutelage to this day.

In the 1990’s, I was blessed to find the Medicine teacher whom I’d been seeking. She was raised by her Cherokee grandmother in Southern Appalachia . I gave her cornmeal and tobacco and asked her to teach me and she became my Elder. A year or so later I attended my first “Intensive” teaching with “Grandmother” during a wonderful week in the Smokey Mountains of North Carolina.

At the end of this week, we were directed to write our own epitaphs—and make a statement representing how we would wish to be remembered when we die. We also created a life map that would lead us to the goal stated in our epitaphs. I wanted to be remembered as a loving Teacher. So I decided, among other things, that I should start by writing three books.

A vision for this first book came to me as I rode home from the Intensive. In my mind’s eye, I saw a black canvas with a white speech balloon with the words, “Psssst…..”I’m over here. Do You Hear Me?…..This still, small Voice?”

From that I knew that the speaker in my book would be the Voice of God (whoever or whatever that might be) and the book would be for “All the Children of God”—all Humans, all True Seekers.

Because I chose to imagine that I spoke with the voice of God in this book, it was a slow process indeed. Twelve years, in fact. All the while, answers were coming, including the answer to “What the heck are we doing here?”


About Du’Tsu

One springtime, some 25 years ago, I settled in to do a Vision Quest on a quiet piece of forested land in the eastern hills of Ohio. I spent four days and three nights there, fasting, and observing, with patient interest, myself and my surroundings. I prayed, conjectured, and slept on the ground.

One night, I’d snuggled into my sleeping bag as the darkness deepened. I heard a rustling near my head, and could not imagine what it was. With a flashlight I discovered a little spring frog busying herself with frog activities. She departed and then a half hour later, she returned and then again departed.

More time passed and the frog made a third appearance! But this time she was on top of an 18” high hay bale that lay right beside me! I was quite taken aback that she had been able to jump or climb that high. Never underestimate a frog!
Sitting in Circle after the Quest, I told of my frog encounter. And my Medicine Elder, Grandmother Pa’Ris’Ha, bestowed upon me the name “Spring Frog.” Or in Cherokee, Du’Tsu. (Pronunciations vary.) “She has come to the People to rebirth the purity and light of mankind. Her song is to comfort the Spirit within.”

I have several other names, but Du’Tsu has been a beacon for illuminating my purpose for coming to Earth. I use “Dusty” as an easier version of this Medicine name.

I hail from the lush hills of central Pennsylvania. I grew up on a street called The Circle, surrounded by meadows, cornfields, forests. My Huck Finn friends and I loved to play in The Swamp, catching frogs; or we played baseball, or kick-the-can or in the “dirt pile.” Or went swimming.

As fate would have it, I was accepted at Princeton University and have a 1975 Bachelor of Arts from the Religion Department. This was the road less traveled. I studied both Eastern and Western traditions and discovered, quite accidentally, Rudolf Steiner’s Anthroposophy. So my senior thesis was titled An Argument for an Anthroposophical View of the Cosmos, Man and Christ.
After academia, I did a stint as a news reporter and then went off with my Beloved to the foothills of Appalachia. We lived six years in a stone root cellar without electricity or running water on 54 acres of steep forested hillsides. We built a house and raised a family. Love grew and Blessings abounded. And in the mid-1990’s, I became obsessed with finding a Medicine teacher, and I did.

In 2008, things changed dramatically and I returned to Pennsylvania to care for my parents. And the story goes on and it’s exciting and also well blessed.

Currently, I am a volunteer for The Learning Center for Human Development, a non-profit ( ) founded in 1959 by Grandmother Pa’Ris’Ha, and I’m devoted to our goals and projects. If you’d like to communicate, my email is
My website is


To be divine or not to be divine? As humanity evolves — pulling itself up by its own flimsy bootstraps — the People’s divinity awakens. It can be no other way.


Brilliantly Written!

May the beauty in the words of this text awaken the hearts of the covenant and communion of Source within all! May TRUTH radiate the core of every cell of the Light bodies as they ignite in the process of reading this Divine expression of Spirit. May the gratitude I hold in my heart for Du’Tsu for gifting me with this at Sun Ceremony in 2008 be returned to her infinitely! I highly recommend this to all! Hugs and Blessings to all whom read this! IN LAK’ECH ALA KIN

Stacy Rush, Naperville, Illinois

Sacred, Fun and Food For Famished

We are starved for the kind of humor, compassion, and wisdom found in this wonderful book, which pulls no punches about what DIVINITY truly is. It will open your eyes, your mind and your heart.

Question: Is nothing sacred?

Answer: Yes, and so is everything!

Passionate and Joyful

When you’ve really felt God and the beauty of all things connected and one, words become inefficient. Du’ Tsu uses typeface and illustrations as well as accessible philosophy to express the “Truth”. Reminds me of the brilliant Dr. Bronner. Passionate and joyful!


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